This Oreo Milkshake is the bomb! Its perfectly thick and not super sweet and that's because of a secret ingredient : SALT. Yes , Salt. As weird as it may sound , it elevates the chocolate flavour to another level and balances the sweetness. I usually use my Oreo Icecream for this so i skip the additional coffee but vanilla works great too ! Enjoy!

10-15 oreo biscuits
2 cups chilled milk 
4 scoops vanilla/oreo ice cream 
1/2 tsp instant coffee powder 
pinch of salt (optional)

 Simply blend everything together and you're done!

I made these burgers the first time during my exams to satisfy my midnight hunger pangs and I absolutely fell in love with them ! They taste so light and fresh and are just spicy enough to get your taste buds tingling. 

500gms minced chicken breasts 
Salt to taste ( about 1/2 tsp )
2 tsp schezwan sauce 
2 tsp fresh lime juice 
1 cup fresh bread crumbs 
Some chopped coriander 
1/2 tsp chopped garlic 

Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl. 
Set aside for 15 minutes 
Make small patties and grill for 2-3 minutes on each side and you're done ! 
It pairs perfectly well with some chipotle and sweet chilli dressing. Enjoy ! 

Another Ice Cream recipe ! I thinks it's safe to say that I'm totally obsessed with them.  Making Ice Cream Is so easy and so fun that you won't be able to stop yourself from making batches frequently. 

This one came to my Mind while I was in school and yes, I usually daydream about what I want to make during most of my classes. Well I don't mind it cause some of my best ideas have come like that only. The combination of cheesecake and ice cream is absolutely phenomenal and why wouldn't it be ? You're combining two of the best desserts ever ! I hope you enjoy this one :) 

INGREDIENTS                        Makes 700ml
For the ice cream base 
300 ml cream 
100 ml condensed milk 
1/2 tsp vanilla essence 
For the ganache 
200 gms dark chocolate 
200 ml cream 
For the crumb 
10-12 digestive biscuits 
2 tbsp melted butter (salted)
For the cheesecake 
100 gms cream cheese ( at room temperature ) 
50 ml cream 
2-3 tbsp castor sugar 

First you need to make your chocolate ganache. Chop your chocolate into small pieces. And heat your cream till it simmers 
Pour your cream over the chocolate and let it sit for 5 mins. 
Then stir this mixture till you get a smooth ganache. Set aside to cool in the refrigerator. 
Next , whip all the ingredients for your cream cheese filling till combined and let it set in the refrigerator. 
For the base , 
Whip your cream till soft peaks form and then fold in the condensed milk and the vanilla essence. 
Take out your ganache and whip till soft peaks form. 
Now fold the base mixture in the ganache till combined. 
Crush your biscuits and mix them with the butter. Then fold this through your base. 
Put this mixture in your tin and then drop spoonfuls of the cheesecake filling over it and use a toothpick to swirl it around and freeze for 4-6 hours ! 

PS~ I would suggest that you double this recipe cause you'll run out of it very fast ! 

You know how when you visit a foreign country and you eat their local food and it stays with you ? Well Lebanese is a cuisine that I started to love even more after I visited Dubai a few years back. Eating falafel and shawarmas from a local shop near our hotel was amazing and even better than most of the stuff at the restaurants. Local food is the best to learn about any cuisine and I plan to eat it more often on my trips to understand the true flavours and you should too! So I made these falafels for dinner and they were very similar in taste ! It's gonna be a regular dinner for me for sure ! Enjoy.

2 cups chickpeas  ( soaked overnight )
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
2 tsp Baharat masala (lebanese masala)
1 tsp chopped garlic
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion ( finely chopped )

You can find the recipe for my Hummus here

Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor and process till combined.
Roll the mixture and keep in a bowl in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Roll the mixture into balls and deep fry !

Serve with lemon and hummus and pita.