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Galouti is a word we often connect with lamb. It was first made for a toothless nawab and that is why it is supposed to melt in your mouth.

There are various other ingredients that galouti can be made with which include yam , jackfruit, red kidney beans etc.
This one is made from red kidney beans and i think tastes the most like the lamb version.

The first time that my mother made this for us she had us fooled thinking it was lamb! The texture seemed so familiar and taste was the exact same so it took a moment for me to digest the fact that these galoutis were in fact vegetarian and made from red kidney beans. I have loved this recipe ever since and will happily make this over lamb for a more healthy version anytime, and im sure you will too. Enjoy!

Recipe By Bobby Kochar
 Ingredients : 

 Rajma (red kidney beans)                     2 cups

Cashew Powder                 1/2 cup
Salt                                       As per taste 
Red chilli powder               1/2 tsp 
Roasted cumin powder    1/2 tsp 
Rose Water                          1 tsp
Saffron                                  Few strands
Potatoes , boiled and mashed   2nos
Warm milk                            2 tsp 
Cardamom Powder              1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste               1 tsp 
Green chilli                            1nos
Few Mint Leaves


1 : Soak rajma (red kidney beans) overnight or for atleast 8 
2: Drain water and pressure cook them in 4 cups of water with salt for atleast half an hour. 
3 : When pressure drops, drain rajma.
4 :  Cool them and keep aside.
5: Blend green chillies, ginger garlic and mint to fine paste.
6: Soak saffron in warm milk.
7: Put rajma , green chilli paste and cashew powder in blender and mix thoroughly. 
8: Add cardamom powder,red chilli powder,  clove and cumin powder , saffron and rose water and mashed potatoes  in rajma mix. Mix them thoroughly. 
9: Take ball size mixture and form patties out of it.
10. Heat oil in a pan and cook them at medium heat. 
11 . Serve them with onion rings and mint sauce.


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