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People tend to make ice cream with double cream and I usually do too but this time I decided to make it with some fresh cream that I had lying around. It's from a local brand and I never thought I would be able to whip it to peaks as I've tried it before and it has never worked out. 

So this is the second time that I've made this ice cream , the first time I made it at my grandmothers place. It's eggless and that was important as she doesn't eat eggs which are usually used in ice creams that have a crème anglaise base. So I started whipping my cream and ten minutes just went by and my cream didn't have any visible change. My heart sank, Maybe i can't always do what I feel like doing. But then I decided to go at it again for another ten minutes before ditching it and it worked ! I was elated , the texture was gorgeous and it was the first time I'd made eggless ice cream. 

It's so easy and I'm going to use a lot of variations with this recipe for sure ! And the best part is that you don't need an ice cream maker for this.Enjoy!

Makes about 1.5 quarts 
40-50 Oreo biscuits ( slightly crushed) 
5 tbsp granulated coffee
1 ltr cream ( fresh or double ) 
1 can of condensed milk ( 14 ounces ) 
2 tsp vanilla essence 
2 tsp coffee liqueur ( optional ) 

First place a large bowl and your whisk attachment in the freezer 15 minutes before you start making the ice cream ( I use a hand mixer but you can use a stand mixer too ) 
Then whip your cream to soft peaks. Once this is done , whip in your condensed milk ,  coffee and vanilla. 
Gently fold in the Oreos and pour the mixture in a tin pan.
Cover with plastic wrap and make sure that the wrap touched your mixture  Freeze this for about 6 hours. 


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