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Pad Thai is one dish that only a few restaurants can get right. Most of the ones that I've had it from just serve it tasteless and dry. This is a big problem for me as I absolutely love Pad Thai and I can find no restaurant in my vicinity which serves it the way I like it. So I decided to make it at home and it tasted divine!  It was juicy and tangy and I think that the main ingredient which brings flavour to any Pad Thai is the tamarind purée so make sure to use that and I guarantee that you will make this again and again.

This is a perfect meal for any day and it's vegetarian too. So keep that chicken aside for a day and make this instead. Enjoy!

3tbsp tamarind puree
1 cup carrot (cut into juliennes)
1/2 cup bean sprouts
2 tbsp palm sugar
2tsps soy sauce 
1tbsp Thai sweet chilli sauce
2 Thai red chillies thinly sliced (use 1 if you don't like spicy food )
juice of 2 limes
250gms flat rice noodles
1/2 clove garlic (chopped) - optional
1/2 cup salted peanuts



In a bowl, combine all the ingredients except the peanuts and the pad thai together . Give this a mix and use a mortar and pestle to fully combine these together.    
Prepare your rice noodles according to the instructions on the pack
Then transfer the sauce in the mortar and pestle to a pan and heat till the sugar dissolves and the liquid becomes thick enough to coat the noodles.
Toss the noodles in this sauce and make sure that they don't become dry.
                                 Top with crushed or whole peanuts and serve immediately.                                        



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