It's safe to say that dark chocolate is almost everyone' guilty pleasure. It's such a beautiful ingredient which, although divine in itself, pairs gorgeously with caramel. And I personally love this combination. The silkiness of the caramel paired with the ganache makes the mousse rich and gives the texture a lush lift. 

For the Caramel 
1/4th cup granulated sugar 
20gms butter (cubed)
1/4th cup cream 
For the mousse
100gms dark chocolate (chopped)
200gms cream

For the caramel
Add your sugar to a heavy bottomed sauce pan and let it melt. do not stir it.
 Once it starts to turn golden on the edges give the pan a swirl and keep doing this till the sugar is completely melted.
Once the colour becomes amber , turn the heat down and whisk in the butter till it is fully incorporated.
Take it off the heat and stir in the cream. Set aside.
For the mousse base
Heat the cream till it just starts simmering and then turn the heat off.
Add you chopped chocolate to this and stir till it has fully melted.
Let this come to room temperature and then whisk it till soft peaks form.
Fold your caramel in and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving!

This post has been due since a long time and that's because I'm a shy person and don't usually tell people about everything I do. So naturally , blogging was a subject that I rarely talked about but it feels like its about time people know , So here it is.

Those who know me know that I'm an aspiring chef and plan to go to a culinary college next year to pursue further studies. but all that is a year away and I refuse to wait that long to start doing something that I love and this blog was a result of that impatience which  turned out to be something  that I love writing and that I look forward to every week now !

But just blogging  didn't seem like it was enough , so I started my own label just last December while I was completing 11th grade. It all started with an order for a family member and when I got a great response I decided to start my own label and it has been amazing! It's a unique experience and I've never felt so stressed and happy at the same time. Sure , I get nervous every once in a while but the satisfaction that you get when someone tells you that they love what you do makes you feel that all of it was worth it and then some more.


The only hard part is balancing my studies and these hobbies that have given shape to my desire for getting my culinary degree, and that's the reason why these last 6 months have been super hectic. And since this year is the most important year for my studies, scoring well while blogging and completing orders will be a task that I surprisingly look forward to.