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Okay , so this cake has been lying in the Refrigerator since last night and it has taken all my willpower not to try it. The aroma that spread the kitchen when this came out of the oven was out of this world. So you can imagine what I went through. But sunlight is important for good photos so it was worth the wait.

This is a recipe I learnt at the workshop I attended recently and I love it! I've just made a few changes like I made the recipe eggless and replaced the blueberries with strawberries since I couldn't find fresh ones anywhere in the vicinity. So feel free to use any type of berry you want,  I can assure you that anyway the cake will turn out to be amazing.

Let's come to the best part , the icing on the cake! This cream cheese frosting is out of this world! It's the best I've ever had. The cream cheese gives a wonderful tanginess and the butter just makes it super creamy. Enjoy!


2 cups flour
2 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup strawberries (chopped)
3/4 cup oil
1 cup superfine sugar
2 cups hung curd
3/4 cup milk + 1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
For the frosting
8 ounces cream cheese ( at room temperature)
3 cups Icing sugar
100 gms butter ( softened)

Pre heat your oven to 180c , line a 9 inch cake tin with parchment paper.
Combine the milk and the vinegar and let it sit for 5 minutes.
In a bowl , whisk together the oil and the sugar.
Add the hung curd to this and beat till combined.
Then beat in the lemon juice.
In a separate bowl pass the flour, baking powder , baking soda through a sieve thrice to incorporate air. Mix in the lemon zest. Add half of this to the wet ingredients and gently fold it in.
Then add the milk and stir.
Add your strawberries and the rest of the flour and mix.
Pour into the mould and bake for 40 minutes or till a skewer , when inserted into the cake,  comes out clean.
For the frosting, whip the cream cheese till fluffy. Then add the butter and beat well.
Add the icing sugar one cup at a time and best well after each addition.


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