So I felt like making chocolate mousse the other day and didn’t have any cream ! And I thought that it was impossible to make a mousse without any cream and then I came across Passionateaboutbaking’s page. Which had this dark chocolate mousse recipe inspired by Heston bluemanthal. And what a great recipe it is , I made some changes of my own and it looked intimidating as I’ve always heard that chocolate and water do not go together at all.  
 So the mousse turned out to be really well except that it turned grainy while I was whisking it but then I put it back on the heat and stirred for a few mins and whisked it again and that seemed to do the trick(just like mentioned) Enjoy!
265 grams bittersweet (%70 cocoa solids) chocolate, chopped
225g water
15g Rum 
2 tbsp sugar, optional
2 tsp instant coffe powder 
A pinch of salt 
Place a large mixing bowl on top of another slightly smaller one, filled with ice and cold water (the bottom of the large bowl should touch the ice). Set aside.
Put chocolate and water and coffee powder and salt  (also sugar and/or liquor if you’re using) in a medium-sized pan and melt the chocolate over medium heat, whisk this mixture continuously.(in case you are not using the liquor,just add 15more gms of water to the mix) 
Pour the melted chocolate into the mixing bowl sitting on top of ice and water, and start whisking with a wire whisk (or an electrical hand-held mixer) until thick. Watch the texture as you whip and make sure not to over-whip as it will make the mousse grainy. If the mousse becomes grainy (which is possible at your first try), transfer it back into the pan, reheat until half of it is melted, pour it back to the mixing bowl and whisk again briefly.
Divide into serving cups and chill until set. 


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