I absolutely love this chocolate ice cream recipe for its rich creaminess and its delectable bitter sweet taste. It’s definitely a crowd pleaser , and anyway, when can you ever go wrong with chocolate ❤️  
 The recipe is very simple and don’t worry if you don’t have an ice cream maker , even I didn’t ! All you need to do is follow the instructions given in this link of brown eyed baker’s blog
 This recipe is from the book the perfect scoop , but i have changed it a bit . 
2 cups heavy cream 
1 cup full fat milk 
150 gms dark cooking chocolate ( chopped) 
5 tbs Dutch processed cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence 
A pinch of salt 
5 egg yolks 
1/2 cup sugar ( or 3/4 cup if you like it really sweet )

In a sauce pan heat one cup of cream and the cocoa powder together while continuously whisky whisking.  One it reaches a boil , turn down the heat to medium and let it simmer for 30 seconds 
Take this off the heat and add in the chocolate and mix while scraping the bottom 
Once combined , add in the other 1 cup of cream and combine 
Then shift this to a separate bowl and place a sieve over it . Scraping the pan as much as possible to get everything off 
Then in the same pan heat together , the milk ,sugar and salt .
In a seperate bowl whisk the egg yolks 
Once the mixture is heated properly , slowly add it to the yolks while constantly whisking them 
Then shift this mixture back to the pan and keep stirring constantly till the mixture coats the back of your spoon ( wooden spoon ) 
Then pass this mixture through the sieve and into the chocolate mixture you made earlier 
Add In The vanilla essence and stir 
Once combined place the bowl in an ice bath and stir till it cools 
Refrigerate for two hours and then put in your ice cream machine according to the instructions on it  



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